Mr. Notaro & Mr. Saulnier attended the ABT Studio Company performance on Tuesday, April 17 at the Ailvin Ailey Citigroup Theater in NYC. It was a thrill to see recent DAC alum Jacob Clerico dance in 4 out of the 5 pieces presented! His technique, artistry, and partnering skills have improved tremendously under the guidance of the American Ballet Theatre artistic staff. In attendance at the show was ABT Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie, who typically makes decisions on who will be moved up to the company this time of year. After watching Jacob perform all of his diverse roles so brilliantly, we hope that he will be one of the lucky dancers chosen by Mr. McKenzie for next season! Mr. Notaro & Mr. Saulnier also had the wonderful opportunity to see the Studio Company in action during rehearsals at 890 Broadway, home of ABT & the JKO School. Under the watchful eye of ABT Studio Company Ballet Master Sascha Radetsky, the dancers continued working on their program that they will be taking on tour in the coming weeks. We were also happy to see our fabulous Nutcracker guest artist Michael de la Nuez, the newest member of the Studio Company. Keep up the great work, Jacob & Michael! We are so proud of your accomplishments.
DAC Alum Jacob Clerico with ABT Studio Company